Through the work Bunson CSR engage in with Mt. Kenya Trust, the opportunity arose to further equip their ranger teams that patrol the forest we assist in striving to conserve. The ranger team had identified some 2-in-1 firewood and charcoal stoves made by Cookswell Jikos, which they needed at their various outposts and stations. The stoves are required mainly for the preparation of their food and boiling of water.

Along with the stoves is the promotion of sustainable charcoal, for which the ranger teams already had charcoal kilns from previous work with Cookswell Jikos.
Cookswell Jikos agreed to fund half of the amount for the stoves and provide the stoves and Bunson provided the remaining amount.
The stoves were presented to the ranger team along with a demonstration at their Mt. Kenya headquarters.
As a travel and tour company, we understand the protection of our National Parks and Kenya’s water towers is of utmost importance and any contribution we can make to conserving these areas or pristine nature is the least we as a company can do to offset our impact and contribute to our communities.