Responsible Bunson

At Bunson, we are aware that in our daily operations, we use various products that can be harmful to the environment and ourselves as people, through the components they are made of (cleaning products) or the damage they do to the environment from the way they are disposed of or created.

We are aware that we require various products and services in order to operate our business, however, it is our responsibility to ensure we are aware of how these products and services are procured, built and disposed of, to ensure we minimize our footprint on our planet earth.

GNLD Cleaning Products

All of our offices (HQ, branches, and implants) are cleaned using GNLD products. GNLD products have been “GREEN” since the 1960’s and are all made using 100% biodegradable raw materials. This ensures that the effects on our Bunson Travel staff and on the environment are as minimal as possible.

Waste Paper Recycling

Bunson Travel strives to be as paperless as possible. Along with implementing more technology in our operations, we understand that while we are not fully paperless, we can also recycle the waste paper that we do produce at our head office and branch offices.

Chandaria Industries, who supply us with some paper products, produce all of their paper products from waste paper. Responsible Bunson engaged Chandaria Industries on recycling our waste paper, which entails collecting any waste paper we have that is then collected by Chandaria Industries on a weekly basis.

In turn, Chandaria Industries offer the equivalent products back to us (based on our recycling volumes).

Taps on Timer

All of the water basin taps in the bathrooms are push button taps that run for a few seconds and then automatically switch off. This is to ensure that taps are not left dripping or left running when there is no one using them.

Along with conserving precious water, it is also a saving for the company’s monthly water bills.

Toilet Flush

All toilet flushes are fitted with 2 options to flush depending on what the toilet is used for. There is flush with minimal water and a flush with full water quantity. A lot of water is used when flushing a toilet and this allows us to minimize that amount when possible.

  • Light Switch Sensors
  • Plastic Recycling
  • IT and Electronic Waste – WEEE