Bunson Travel Service Ltd – Carlson Wagonlit Travel Kenya in partnership with The Woodlands 2000 Trust and Cookswell Energy Saving Jikos launched a TREE PLANTING CSR program at the Kisaju Dryland Demonstration Woodlot. We believe that being environmentally responsible is good for our planet, and essential to the long-term sustainability of our travel and tourism industry.

The Bunson Travel team was welcomed to Kisaju woodlot by Teddy Kinyanjui who gave a brief history of the project and the reason why it was started in 2004.

The team then proceeded for a short-guided tour of the Woodlot led by Teddy Kinyanjui learning about the various tree species planted at the woodlot and their benefits in the ecosystem. Teddy explained to the team the cycle process from tree planting, caretaking and final use either (commercial or experimental).

Teddy demonstrated and explained to the team the eco-charcoal making process using the Cookswell kiln. The team was excited about this innovation, which proved to be clean, efficient, and time saving compared to the traditional charcoal making method.

This being the highlight of the day Teddy did a demonstration by planting one tree and welcomed everybody to find a spot to plant their own tree. In total Bunson, Family planted 65 trees that were tagged with the staff names. There was excitement as all individuals present appreciated the effort of planting a tree for the good of our ecosystem.

After a successful tree planting session, the team was treated to delicious Nyama Choma lunch cooked in 2 Cookswell jikos using Woodlands’ 2,000 Trust sustainably made branch charcoal.